So I intended to do another post on my
apres-Christmas bounty, but taking these I realized it's pretty much the same outfit as before. Tights? Check. High-waisted skirt? Check. Funky shoes? Check. I wear a high-waisted skirt with tights and a cardigan almost everyday (unless I'm wearing a dress with tights and a cardigan). On the one hand, it's always a good idea to have a simple go-to style for when you need to look stylish without putting a lot of thought in (ex. first week back at school). On the other hand, true style is all about innovation and originality, so clearly I need to shake things up. I'm planning a different kind of outfit for tomorrow, so we'll just have to see what you think.
Do you have a style or outfit that you use as your go-to? Any suggestions for what I should do to break up my routine? Are you a fan of classic style or do you tend towards the more shocking or contemporary? Let me know!
Also, a couple people commented in my last post about my collage. So here is Genny's 8 Step Guide to A Dorm of Style and Cheap Class
Step 1: Wait until the night before an exam or paper. Procrastination ADD energy is crucial.
Step 2: Purchase a magazine you read regularly.
Step 3: Make green tea. I recommend
Tazo tea in Zen flavor
Step 4: Read magazine and drink green tea. Feel happy.
Step 5: Rip out cool looking ads,
photo shoots, whatever
Step 6: Tape them to your walls. I prefer
OCD straight lines (what is it with me and mental disorders, huh? Hint, I'm crazy), but you can also cut out images and make some real art, if you're so inclined
Step 7: Admire.
Step 8: You might want to consider starting that paper now. Or decorate another wall, it's your choice.
Urban shoes, tights, shirt, and skirt. Anthropologie sweater.